Почитувани медиуми,
Ве известуваме дека ДЛУМ и проектот Фемина на куратор Јана Манева-Чупоска на покана на Министерство за култура е дел од триесеттиот Министерски Совет на ОБСЕ каде се селектирани и прикажани повеќе дела од уметници кои во изминатите пет години биле дел од овој проект. Учесници во изложбата се:
Ана Темкова, Вана Урошевиќ, Јана Манева-Чупоска, Маја Рауниќ, Дијана Томиќ Радеска, Гордана Вренцоска, Ирена Паскали, Наташа Милованчев, Дита Старова Керими, Ана Ивановска, Ана Трајковска, Благојче Наумовски, Јовица МИјалковиќ, Тања Таневска, Шкипе Мехмети, Марјана Костојчиновска, Илиана Петрушевска.
Изложбата е поставена во хотелот Александар Палас.


Друштво на ликовни уметници на Македонија

ул. Македонија бр. 12 (Дом на Армијата)

тел/факс: 02/3211 533


DLUM aims at the affirmation of Macedonian visual artists on the
domestic and international visual scene.
The Society of Fine Artists of Macedonia was officially established
in 1946. Its anticipation and continuity date back to 1929, when
the “Society of Yugoslav Fine Artists” was established within the
framework of the Vardar Banovina, Mihailo Shoilev and others. In
1944 in Prilep, the Society of Macedonian Fine Artists is formed,
under the management of which will be Martinovski, Popovic-Citso,
Vladimirski, Todorovski and Blazic. They will advocate for the
unification of all artists from Macedonia, for the propagation and spread of all artistic
media. Since then, the fine artists of Macedonia until today carry the name DLUM as a
permanent brand of their professional association.
In 1945 the first exhibition of the Society will be opened in Skopje. On the initiative
of the Society, the Art High School was opened in the same year, the first director of
which was Nikola Martinoski. Future members of the Society will be recruited from the
students of this school. In 1946 DLUM will be officially established. The first and long-
term president will be Martinovski.
In the same year, the “II exhibition” of DLUM will be opened, in which a large number
of artists from Macedonia will participate. The real-socialist spirit of the exhibition will
reflect the demands of the new reality. In 1953 exhibitions of modern French, American
and Dutch art are opening in Skopje, as well as the exhibition of Henry Moore, which
will directly affect the creative spirit of Macedonian artists. In the same year, DLUM will
organize traveling exhibitions throughout Yugoslavia. The members of DLUM will regularly
participate in the exhibitions of SLUJ, and since 1955 they will be presented and affirmed
Of particular importance are the indispensable brands of DLUM:
– The “Annual Exhibition” which is experiencing its seventh decade and
- The “Winter Salon” which slowly but surely conquers and achieves the highest
values and dignities with the participation of a selector-curator from abroad and guest
participants from neighboring countries.
During its 77 years of existence, DLUM realized over 1400 independent presentations
of Macedonian and foreign authors before the Macedonian art audience and over 350
presentations of the Society and Macedonian authors on the international stage. DLUM
is especially proud of the presentation in Paris, France with a group exhibition of 107
artists from Macedonia, as well as the exhibitions in Sofia, first the graphic one with
about 40 authors, and then a group exhibition with about 70 authors within the agreed
cooperation with the Union of Bulgarian artists and international regional collaborations
with Montenegro, Slovenia and Croatia.
If we try to single out one period or epoch in the context of DLUM’s exhibitions, it can
almost never be represented by one dominant direction or trend. On the contrary, the
only constant is the pluralism of efforts, in which each author individually has his own
truth. Contradictions are interwoven in each period, each new structure includes a thesis
and an antithesis. That is the basic feature even today, and it is complemented by over
five hundred active members.
All this says that DLUM has grown into an “institution” that, at its exhibitions, gathers
and directs energy and ideas for the further development of artistic thought, but also
presents new trends that are reflected in the synthesis of fine art.