Македонската академија на науките и уметностите има чест и задоволство да ве покани на прес конференцијата што ќе се одржи на 10 април (среда) во 11 часот во просториите на Ликовниот салон во МАНУ.

На прес конференцијата ќе учествуваат акад. Газанфер Бајрам, секретар на одделението за уметност во МАНУ, и Страјо Крсмановиќ директор на Уметничката галерија на Босна и Херцеговина.

Прес конференцијата се одржува по повод престојната изложба насловена „Членови на АНУ БиХ – ликовни уметници“ која ќе биде отворена на 11 (четврток) април во 20 часот во просториите на Ликовниот салон во МАНУ.    

Со почит,

одделение за уметност

Македнска академија на науките и уметностите


Artists- Members of ANUBiH:
A Brief History of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 20th Century

The Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded out of the Scientific
Society in 1966, at a time that was of particular importance for the contemporary culture of Bosnia
and Herzegovina. In terms of the proliferation of events, number of achievements and their high
level, the 1960s were one of the most important periods in Bosnian-Herzegovinian modern and
contemporary culture, both in the fine arts and architecture and in literature, music, film,
theatre, publishing, the work of scientific research and cultural institutions. It was a period of
internationalisation of the art and culture scene in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its opening up to
the world.
Even when they were not all living and working in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the opuses of the
artists- members of ANUBiH pulsated with a living link to this land, where it was made clear that
the matter of origin of the artists and their connection to the land was far more than mere
geographic circumstance, that it essentially relied on the complex structure of common, layered
historical heritage and cultural environment, with all the diversity of artistic modes
of expression.
The works of these seventeen artists- members of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and
Herzegovina (ANUBiH), of which some belonged to the early 20th century while others are still
active figures on the contemporary art scene today, can be used to "tell" the story of the 20th
century in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a story that is different, layered and more nuanced than what
can be found in the history books.